Lecture Notes.

Module Five: Session Three

Theories of Truth

Cultural Relativism

Mystery Hill Mich
  • Relativism is the incorrect notion that truth is relative to societies. (Remember, this theory is incorrect.)
    • (Note: Do not confuse relative claims with relativism. They are different concepts.)
  • Also known as "Social Relativism."
  • Relativism is the idea is that something could be true for the French but false for the Chinese.

Implications of relativism

  • a. Social infallibility
  • b.If the whole of society accepted anything as true, then it would be true.
    • Example: The earth is flat.
    • Example: Jews must be exterminated.
    • Example: It's all right to own slaves.
      The fact is that groups as well as individuals are prone to error.
  • c. If society were infallible, then it would be impossible to disagree with society and be right.
    • Reformers would automatically be wrong.
    • Nothing in society could ever change. Institutions like slavery, or the practice of arresting innocent people and torturing them would be acceptable always.
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