
Propaganda: Module Two: Introduction

Propaganda Techniques

Propaganda fundamentally circumvents the reasoning process, appealing to the emotions rather than to the intellect. This is inherently unreasonable and potentially dangerous. Because of its manipulative and evil potential, we must arm ourselves against it. (D. Peterson)

Joseph Goebbels
Reichsminister for
Propaganda and National Enlightenment
(and an all around bad man)



  • You will learn particular propaganda techniques so when you encounter them in the real world, you will be able to recognize and name the technique.
  • This will keep you from being manipulated by them. It's like an inocculation for your brain.
  • Get used to the patterns involved. In real life the content will be different, but the patterns are used over and over.

IMPORTANT: How to Use This Section

  • The next page is the Propaganda Technique Index.
  • Click on any technique and a new window will open.
  • There are two ways to use this section:
    • When you finish learning about one technique, close the window, and click on another in the index.
    • When you finish learning about one technique, click the Next button. This will take you through all the technique.
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