
Answer to Task 2

University Fees
Main conclusion: Students should have to pay fees for university courses

Joan Sprat (1989:13) argues that the government should provide free university education because such education benefits the whole community. She asserts that the skills that students learn at university are important for the future social and economic development of our nation. Therefore, so this argument goes, the government should invest money in education as it does with other vital resources. According to this argument, when students are forced to pay for their education themselves fewer of them will enroll in higher education courses. However, as John Dawkins (1988:1) explains the government is able to invest the money it gets back into the higher education system so that overall quality is improved. Furthermore, there is money to fund more places for students so that in the future we will not have the shortage of places we had in the past. Moreover, it is unreasonable to expect taxpayers to pay for students' education when those students get well-paid professional jobs after they graduate.

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