Lecture Notes.

Module Three: Session Three

Resistance to Change

Insecurity and Fear

  • Even if the belief you have is false, the thought of changing that belief is often frightening. This is usually because of the implications and consequences. What about all the effort you put into defending the old position? What about all those years of living as though that position were true? How will my life be different if I accept this new position? Will my family or my friends reject me?
  • Many continue to believe something which is false because it is comfortable and familiar. This is irrational and unhealthy, but common.

Fear and Tradition

  • Tradition is connected to loyalties. Loyalties are connected to relationships. For instance, if a person is raised in a religious home, many relationships are tied to that belief. It is traditional for family members to continue on. If information comes one's way which challenges that faith, there are psychological reasons that the person will not want to consider the challenges.
  • Always remember, truth cannot fall to criticism. Only those things which are not true can be revealed as false. One can challenge the truth all day long, and if it is true, then it will stand. If you are a member of a group which tries to shield itself from criticism, this should be a warning to you.


  • Conformity is behaving the way others around us do. This is not always bad. For instance, we are grateful when everyone sits quietly in their seats during class. One should be pleased when everyone drives on the right side of the road.
  • On the other hand, you may recall a student in school that the children picked on. Remember the pressure to follow along? If you gave in, then you conformed in a way which was not good. Do you know people who started smoking because they wanted to conform to the group they hung around with.

Pressures to Conform

  • Being social, we must relate to others. We want to be included. We want to be recognized. We want approval. Conformity assures to some degree that we will belong. That's why teenagers like wearing the same kinds of clothes and they like listening to the same kinds of music. If you're a teenager now, wait 20 years and you will realize that it certainly isn't because the clothes are attractive or that the music is good. Don't feel bad. Everybody wore goofy clothes and listened to bad music when they were teenagers. Most people grow out of it. Only those like Cher don't.
  • Taking a position that differs from the group is threatening. No one wants to be rejected. This was true when millions of Germans said nothing as Jews were transported to the concentration camps and many to their doom. It is true when injustice anywhere goes unchallenged. What are you going along with that is wrong? Conformity when inappropriate is cowardice. Taking a stand for what is true and right (not just different) is bold. It takes courage. Those are people who should be admired.
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