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"Our company is based in Memphis, just like Holiday Inn and Federal Express."
[ ] a. Style over substance
[ ] b. Association
[ ] c. Appeal to Authority
[ ] d. Oversimplification
"I know I'm not as qualified for the job as some others, but I have two children and a wife to support."
[ ] a. Ad hominem
[ ] b. Appeal to pity
[ ] c. Begging the question
[ ] d. Hyperbole
"Don't listen to him. He's a Republican."
[ ] a. Ad hominem
[ ] b. Declaration instead of explanation
[ ] c. Doublespeak
[ ] d. Loaded language
"The biggest Giants fans are from Marin County."
[ ] a. Clichés
[ ] b. Endorsement
[ ] c. Hyperbole
[ ] d. Ambiguity
"What do you mean politicians aren't honest. Ol' Ralph Edwards was as honest as they come, and he was our city councilman."
[ ] a. Rationalization
[ ] b. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc
[ ] c. Anecdotal evidence
[ ] d. Fallacy of division
Madonna has come out in support of John Kerry.
[ ] a. Ad hominem
[ ] b. Appearance
[ ] c. Endorsement
[ ] d. Selected instances
"I used to weigh 320 poinds. But that was before I started using Pounds Away. Now look at me. I'm a svelte 235!"
[ ] a. Begging the question
[ ] b. Faulty analogy
[ ] c. Misplaced burden of proof
[ ] d. Testimonial
"Dr. Benson, my math teacher says we should support the president's environmental policy. He should know!"
[ ] a. Endorsement
[ ] b. Fallacious appeal to authority
[ ] c. Misplaced burden of proof
[ ] d. Testimonial
"65% of Americans polled support legalized abortion, so that proves that it's alright."
[ ] a. Ad populum
[ ] b. Misplaced burden of proof
[ ] c. Questionable causal relationship
[ ] d. Rationalization
[ ] e. Red herring
"What's wrong with you Perkins? Everybody else in the group thinks it's a great idea!"
[ ] a. Ad hominem
[ ] b. Bandwagon
[ ] c. Begging the question
[ ] d. Misplaced burden of proof
[ ] e. Red herring
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