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1. "This minimum wage problem is a crisis and the extremists who favor this position are scary!"
- [ ] a. Association
- [ ] b. Hyperbole
- [ ] c. Slippery slope
- [ ] d. Straw man
2. "Abortion should remain legal, because it is every woman's right to have one."
- [ ] a. Ad hominem
- [ ] b. Appeal to pity
- [ ] c. Begging the question
- [ ] d. Selected instances
3. Bryant Gumbel discussing the murders of Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson with Johnny Cochran: "Do you think if those two victims had been, say Marguerite, his first wife, and Al Cowlings, his best friend, that there would have been the same amound of media attention?
Cochran: "Absolutely not. And I think any person who wants to be honest about it would say the same."
Gumbel: "Why? Because America doesn't care about black victims?" --Exchange on the Today show.
- [ ] a. Ad populum
- [ ] b. False dilemma
- [ ] c. Hypothesis contrary to fact
- [ ] d. Two wrongs make a right
4. "Either we get Hillary Clinton out of office or the country will go totally socialist."
- [ ] a. Ad hominem
- [ ] b. Doublespeak
- [ ] c. False dilemma
- [ ] d. Irrelevant thesis
- [ ] e. Questionable causation
5. "We recommend terminating the pregnancy, Mrs. Wilkins."
- [ ] a. Anecdotal evidence
- [ ] b. Doublespeak / Euphemism
- [ ] c. Fallacy of division
- [ ] d. Rationalization
6. "America is the richest country in the world. Phillips is an American. I'm sure he's rich."
- [ ] a. Ad hominem
- [ ] b. Appearance
- [ ] c. Fallacy of division
- [ ] d. Selected instances
- [ ] e. Anecdotal evidence
7. "It is clear that any reasonable person would agree with my position. It's kooks like these gun nuts who oppose this position."
- [ ] a. Hasty generalization
- [ ] b. Loaded language
- [ ] c. Misplaced burden of proof
- [ ] d. Questionable appeal to authority
- [ ] e. Appeal to threat
8. "I got this job right after I bouth this lucky rabbit's foot. The proof is in the tasting of the pudding."
- [ ] a. Fallacious appeal to authority
- [ ] b. Misplaced burden of proof
- [ ] c. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc
- [ ] d. Testimonial
9. The San Francisco Police Department must be one of the best. Don Walters won the award for heroism, and he's a S.F. police officer."
- [ ] a. Appeal to authority
- [ ] b. Begging the question
- [ ] c. Fallacy of composition
- [ ] d. Fallacy of division
10. A car salesman who shows you the worst cars on the lot, then systematically leads up to the expensive model he wants you to buy.
- [ ] a. Anectodal evidence
- [ ] b. Appeal to popularity
- [ ] c. Bandwagon
- [ ] d. Card stacking
- [ ] e. Slippery slope