1. Avoid Exam Panic! If you are well-prepared, you are not
likely to block or panic on exams. Plan ahead so you're truly
2. To be well-prepared:
a. attend class consistently
b. read all assigned material, preferably using the SQ3R method(pre-read)
c. take good class notes, preferably using the Cornell Method
3. You should start preparing for exams on the very first day
of classes!
4. What To Study ...........
a. Focus on key terms, definitions of these terms and examples
that clarify meaning--(boldface, italics, charts, diagrams,
b. Be aware of enumerations (lists of items) found in your
notes or text. These lists can be the basis for an essay question.
c. Points emphasized in the text and lecture/class.
d. Questions on past quizzes and tests or questions at the
end of textbook chapters.
5. Getting ready..........
a. Be prepared to memorize a certain amount of material.
b. Ask your instructor what kind of items will be on the test.
c. Be sure to review carefully all the main points presented
in the class.
d. Make up practice test items. (This way you will be getting
into the rhythm of taking the test and you may even be able
to predict some of the questions the instructor will ask)
1. Answer all easier questions first. (Put a check mark beside
more difficult ones and continue working through the test.)
2. Go back and spend remaining time with more difficult questions
you have marked.
3. Answer ALL questions! Guess if you must; by doing so, you
are bound to pick up at least a few points.
4. Ask the instructor to explain any item that isn't clear.
5. Circle or underline the key words in a difficult question.
This strategy can help you untangle a complicated question.
6. Take advantage of the full time given and go over the exam
carefully for possible mistakes.
1. You may not always be given a perfect answer. You must
choose the best answer possible.
2. If you can write on the test, cross out answers that you
know are incorrect.
3. Read all possible answers, especially when the first answer
seems correct.
4. With difficult items, do the following:
a. Read the question and then the first possible answer. Next,
read the question again and the second possible answer and
so on until you have read the question with each separate answer.
Breaking the items down this way will often help you identify
the option that most logically answers the question.
b. Try not to look at the answers when you return to difficult
questions. Instead, supply your own answer and then look for
the option which is closest to your response.
5. If and when you must guess (which should NOT be often):
a. the longest (most complete and inclusive) answer is often
b. If two answers are similar, except for one or two words,
choose one of these answers.
c. If two answers have similar sounding words (intermediate-intermittent),
choose one of these answers.
d. If the answer calls for a sentence completion, eliminate
the answers that would not form grammatically correct sentences.
e. an answer in the middle, especially the one with the most
words, is often correct
f. if two answers have opposite meaning, one of them is probably
g. answers with qualifiers, such as generally, probably, most,
often, some, sometimes, and usually, are frequently correct
and true,
h. answers with absolute words, such as all, always, everyone,
everybody, never, no one, nobody, none and only, are usually
incorrect or false.
6. Make up practice test items. (This way you will be getting
into the rhythm of taking the test and you may even be able
to predict some of the questions the instructor will ask.)