
Getting an overview of the model essay
On this page you will look closely at the overall structure of the model essay on the previous page so that you can use the same or a similar structure in the essay you need to complete for your course. (You should print the page out and write your answers on the printout.)

Task 1: Identifying the main conclusion, paragraph structure and paragraph topics
Answer the following questions about the model essay.


How many paragraphs are in the text?



What is the topic of each paragraph. If it is an introduction or a conclusion, just write introduction or conclusion. (Further on in this unit we will look study how to structure introductions and conclusions.)

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What is the writer's main conclusion?



In what paragraphs does the writer place his/her main conclusion?



Task 2: The internal organization of the paragraphs - revision
Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 all contain opposing arguments and supporting arguments. The opposing arguments are problematised and the supporting arguments are presented as non-debatable. You have already studied this structure in detail earlier in this unit but we will revise it again here by looking at just one of these paragraphs: the second paragraph. Answer the following questions about paragraph 2:


Does paragraph 2 begin with statements that support or oppose the writer's main conclusion?



How many opposing arguments does the writer present in this paragraph?



What problematising phrases does the writer use to make these opposing statements appear debatable and possibly untrue?

. .............................................................................


What connective does the writer use to tell the reader that s/he is shifting from opposing arguments to supporting arguments?



How many arguments does the writer present in this paragraph that support his/her main conclusion?



What connectives does the writer use to list the supporting arguments in this paragraph?

. .............................................................................

Task 3: A paragraph that only presents supporting arguments

Note: Paragraph 5 of the model is very different from paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. The writer begins the paragraph by restating the main conclusion - "Dolphin parks are unnecessary and cruel." Then the writer only presents arguments that support the main conclusion. There are no opposing arguments. This is because the writer has already dismissed the opposing arguments in earlier paragraphs and is now attempting to convince the reader that the main conclusion is the best and most correct position on the issue. When you are writing your own essay for your course include one or more paragraphs which only contain supporting arguments after you have dealt with all the opposing arguments.

Answer the following questions about paragraph 5:


How many different supporting arguments does the writer present in this paragraph?



What connectives does the writer use to list these arguments?

. .............................................................................


End of Unit Four
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